

20 / Male / Peoria, IL, United States


Gay league of legends and Imgur addict. I checked every box in my profile because they turned green when I checked them, and I like the color green.

What I'm doing with my life
My life has four possible outcomes. I'll either
A. After getting my Psych degree, head to law school, and become
a wildly successful lawyer.
B. Say screw it, and head to Vegas to become a stripper. (still wildly successful)
C. Become a league of legends pro gamer. (Once more, abundant success)
D. Head to Tibet and study in a few Buddhist temples.

Most probable outcome is A.
Most parental facepalming outcome is B.
Most desirable outcome is C.
D being the pipe dream that probably won't ever come to pass.
Favouritest of all the things
Studio Killers. Specifically -
My darkest secret
I only give out my secrets to those who complete a quest for me.
  • Single
  • Secondary / High school

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