

21 / Male / Seoul, South Korea


I met the princess of the estonian swamps on this more than strange website. She describes me as following:
"uhm.. you like chess, maths, qi, pancakes, butts, a swamp princess from estonia, khm, eehm football, butts, LOTR.. you are kind, caring, emotional, with a good sense of humor (because shrek is love, shrek is life), you might sometimes hate people, like we all do.. and murder them in werewolf..

but you care for those you like and make them feel great with your fabulous skills of education, entertainment and half-nudes"
Hard to understand, yet accurate.

What I'm doing with my life
I study something I love will all my slothlike passion.
Favouritest of all the things
Chess, Pancakes and QI!
And there is coffee and books. My life is mostly coffee and books.
My darkest secret
Arnebarney doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)

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