

28 / Male / South Dakota, United States


I like to chat. I can disappear some times; blame it on my schedule and prior commitments.

Befriend me, and I'll be loyal to a fault.

I can be resourceful, and am knowledgeable in a multitude of subjects. I like to push people to learn things themselves though.

I enjoy training individuals, and giving them the tools to succeed.

What I'm doing with my life
I'm currently working full time while attending college to attain a Bachelor of Science for Computer Science.

It's exhausting.
Favouritest of all the things
Programing, reading, writing, anime, manga, light novels, camping, hiking, spending time with my wife and kiddos.
My darkest secret
That'd take a few drinks and a bit of convincing to get out of me.
  • Married
  • University

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