

29 / Pizza roll / Montpellier, France


Hmm. Well, hello there!

If you are here, it probably means that you want to know something about me, and I don't really know what to write here...
So, I will just write about things I like!
It's easy, simple and you will know a lot of things about me after that! :)

I like Videos games! I have a 5 years old gaming PC, but it can handle everything like a champ. :D (Though it doesn't like fancy shadows. :| ). I'm a big fan of Path Of Exile (even if I suck at it), I play a lot of Borderlands 2, Starbound, and lately Guacamelee (Try this! It's fun, and there's Combo Chicken in it! Everyone loves Combo Chicken!)

I like food! All the food! From anywhere. European food? CHECK! Asian food? CHECK! African food? CHECK! North and South American food? CHECK and CHECK! (I always try something new when I can, and most of the time I like it. After all: FOOD. )

I like Tea! I drink tea all of the time. Black, green, white, with fruits, with mint, with or without sugar, don't care, I drink! But please, don't put liquorice in it. :'(

I like Beer too. Guinness (of course) is my weapon of choice, but the rest is fine. ;) (Don't bother with "light beer": IT'S NOT BEER. >:[ )

I like some TV shows. Person Of interest, Hawaii 5-0, Firefly, Raising Hope, to name the most recent on my watched list. I never watched GoT, breaking Bad, and all thoses "you have to watch it! YOU. HAVE. TO. WATCH. IT." Not because I don't like them but because of all the spoilers everywhere. I Don't like spoilers. :/

I like some Anime too. All of the studio Ghibli, One piece, Toriko, Cowboy Bebop and Paranoia Agent (this one is really weird, and the opening is really neat!) are some of my favorites.

I also like funny flash animations, like the things coming from the imagination of Weebl, Rage Nineteen and Sexual Lobster to name a few. (Google them! It's fun!)

Well, I think that's it. I think.
It's not that great as an introduction, but now, you know some subjects to open a conversation with me. :D

What I'm doing with my life
Arckeiner apparently isn't doing anything with their life, that's unfortunate.
Favouritest of all the things
Arckeiner has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
Arckeiner doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • University

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