

18 / Male / Sanayeh, Beirut, Lebanon


Well as you can probably guess I'm an 18 year old student. I'm doing computer science as my major and I'm going to start pretty soon (sophomore year). I love animals, also kind of scared of them, small dogs scare the shit out of me (bad experience). I like playing video games, watching movies, and hanging out with my friends. I like meeting new people but I tend to be shy and kind of awkward. I love making people laugh, but if I can I'm sure as hell going to try. I love reading, one of my favorite authors is Paulo Coelho and one of my favorite book series is Cirque du Freak. I'm not really good about this whole right about yourself thing so if got any questions just ask. I like straight forward people although God knows I lie as much as the next person. Besides that I'm pretty much like everyone else in that I'm looking for love and companionship but above all else I'm in the pursuit of happiness. I'm also very confused about the whole with thing, hopefully I picked the right one.

What I'm doing with my life
I've got a lot of things in motion and I'm hoping for a bright future as a self made entrepreneur. I like the concept of being able to take care of myself and my family financially and go above and beyond the call of duty in that aspect. I intend on starting a video game company with my friends and we've already got a few applications on the way.
Favouritest of all the things
I love movies that are sort of existential and focus on grander things like the movie Mr Nobody (one of my all time favorites). I also like action movies as long as the plot makes some sort of sense.
I like video games that are more open world and adventure oriented like the mass effect series (the only game to ever make me shed a tear).
I love food much like the next person i.e. pies, cakes, omelets,lasagna, and spaghetti and I'm willing to try once.
My darkest secret
I prefer consoles over pc's. TELL NO ONE.
  • Single
  • College

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