

23 / Female / Pittsburgh, PA 15237, United States


I live in Pittsburgh with two rabbits and my boyfriend. I have moved around a bit, most recently to Pittsburgh about a year and half ago. While I enjoy conversation, I'm not what one would call a "social butterfly" and have had some difficulty making friends, mostly due to lack of trying. Thats what brings me here actually! Looking for friends and conversation with other imgurians. Hello!

What I'm doing with my life
I'm taking this year to figure out what I'm really good at , while keeping my day job, and trying to stay relatively sane.
Favouritest of all the things
Oh boy, so many to choose from.

Psychedelic Rock. Steam. Mariokart. Photography.Sloths.Hannibal.Rabbits.Books. Horror Movies.Star Trek. Art. Poetry. Wes Anderson movies. Stand up comedy. Beaches. Rain. Imgur. Coffee. Gong.

The list goes on forever, but my dedication to typing it all out does not.
My darkest secret
That I do not have a darkest secret.
  • Seeing Someone
  • Secondary / High school

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