Whats a good place to blog?

Para, Jan 16th 2018 18:51

so .. uhm.. because im a millenial and i have an unnatural need for sharing myself but id like to do it in a positive fashion, i figured i could pick up blogging - so that other people can know that not only there life is falling apart, but everyones kinda is.

The thing is, I feel like writing a blog on wordpress or wherever is just not a thing of this decennia.. But I dont really know where else to start. I was considering instagram and wordpress at the moment ?

The thing is i want to reach out to people, i want to talk about life and chaos and dreams and hopes and motivation and all that jazz, and for that id like to be on a platform that people actually use ?

Whats your opinion ?
Or have I overlooked something that is waaaay better ?

  • Instagram
  • Wordpress